Litigation Dipute funding for Claimants, Corporations and Law firms
Litigation is a minefield that can be quite daunting for businesses and Individuals faced with disputes that require funding and legal representation.
O2Legal provides funding solutions and access to capital for Litigation and Mass Tort actions.
With experience gained from many years of specialised litigation, we work closely with Investors and Lawyers to ensure all parties are aligned and to ensure the best outcome for all parties.
Access to Justice should be available to everyone. O2 brings together all parties to ensure that all parties win and justice is achieved.
Litigation Funding enables clients to realise a potential asset by providing funding to remove the financial restrictions that often deter litigation.
Litigation Funding pays for all the costs of pursuing a claim, including Solicitors Costs, Counsel’s Fees, Disbursements, Court Fees (as well as Tribunal and Arbitration fees)
Commercial Litigation Funding
Provides solutions to enable clients to pursue valid cases without the fear of expensive litigation costs. Expert Lawyers and Litigation Funders available to fight your case if you do not already have legal representation.
After the Event Insurance
Backed by A rated After the Event Legal Expense Insurance (ATE insurance) offering protection from paying opponents legal fees if the case fails. Allowing clients to take cases all the way to trial from a position of strength.
Third-Party Funding
Third Party Litigation Funding allows businesses to pursue cases for commercial litigation without taking any financial risks. The Litigation Funder pays all the costs in return for an agreed share of the damages. In unsuccessful cases, the funder absorbs the costs reducing the financial risk.
Commercial litigation disputes involve legal conflicts between businesses and can cover various issues such as breach of contract, partnership disputes, intellectual property conflicts, fraud, unfair competition, employment disputes, insurance disputes, product liability claims, and debt collection.
Commercial litigation funders provide financial support to businesses or individuals involved in commercial disputes in exchange for a share of any potential financial recovery or settlement, helping to level the playing field and provide access to justice for those who may otherwise be unable to afford legal representation.
These disputes can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, and if necessary, proceed to trial for a final decision that may result in remedies like monetary damages, contract performance, injunctions, or equitable relief.
Commercial litigation disputes involve legal conflicts between businesses and can cover various issues such as breach of contract, partnership disputes, intellectual property conflicts, fraud, unfair competition, employment disputes, insurance disputes, product liability claims, and debt collection.
Commercial litigation funders provide financial support to businesses or individuals involved in commercial disputes in exchange for a share of any potential financial recovery or settlement, helping to level the playing field and provide access to justice for those who may otherwise be unable to afford legal representation.
These disputes can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, and if necessary, proceed to trial for a final decision that may result in remedies like monetary damages, contract performance, injunctions, or equitable relief.
We welcome enquiries from Funders and all service-related providers.
Litigation funding is a powerful tool that allows individuals and businesses to maximize their legal resources and level the playing field. Choosing the right litigation funding provider allows you to access top-quality legal representation, cover legal expenses, and reduce financial pressure. Despite common misconceptions, litigation funding is a strategic decision that can lead to successful outcomes.
As the legal landscape evolves, litigation funding will continue to play a vital role in providing access to justice for plaintiffs worldwide. By unlocking the power of litigation funding, you can ensure that your case receives the attention and resources it deserves, increasing your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.
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